The Ferring Institute of Reproductive Medicine (FIRM) was jointly founded by the State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology (SRLab), the Innovation Academy for Stem Cell and Regeneration (IASCR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Ferring Pharmaceuticals, based on a long-term strategic collaboration agreement to work closely together on both basic research and translational R&D. The mission of FIRM is to promote the clinical translation of cutting edge biomedical research, and provide solutions for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive diseases. FIRM is committed to improve scientific research through the discovery of novel therapeutic mechanisms and strategies for unmet needs in reproductive medicine and maternal health. Towards that end FIRM is setting up a new grants program in China.To pursue these goals, FIRM will launch initiatives and announce grant calls to provide funding for qualifying and interesting research proposals and to foster innovation by research scientists and clinicians in the field of reproductive medicine and maternal health in China. The program is jointly administered by the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ferring Pharmaceuticals.
Areas of Interest
Translational research proposals towards addressing a clinical unmet need; Applying animal models, human (disease) samples and/or organoids that are relevant for the translational research questions.
Areas of interest (unmet need)
· Male and Female infertility
Genetics, Folliculogenesis/Spermatogenesis, Polycystic ovary syndrome etc.
· Obstetrical complications
Placenta and uterine biology, Implantation, Endometriosis, Recurrent miscarriage, Preeclampsia, Preterm labor etc.
· New Technologies
Assisted reproductive techniques, In vitro fertilization, Recurrent implantation failure after in vitro fertilization etc.
Funding Provided
Each project led by one senior principal investigator (PI) will be provided up to 1.5 million RMB for a term of three years.